Let's Play Developmental Therapy Pty Ltd provides Paediatric Occupational Therapy services to children who have difficulty relating, communicating and functioning within the demands of daily life. The practice is run by Kylie Marquenie, who is an experienced and energetic clinician with a passion for helping children with special needs.
The primary focus is working with parents and their children between the ages of 0-8 years, with special emphasis on children in their early years (0-5 years).
The practice specialises in offering services to children with:
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Sensory-Motor Disorder / Difficulties
- Regulation challenges
- Social emotional difficulties
- Global Developmental Delay
- School readiness difficulties
- Functional skill challenges, including handwriting, dressing, toileting, and executing daily routines
Several well known evidence based frameworks are utilised, most notably being the play-based DIR/Floortime model, Social Thinking and Zones of Regulation framework, and sensory-motor interventions. The therapy is conducted in a fully equipped sensory gym. Sensory equipment includes sensory swings, spandex hammocks, trampolines, a rock wall and crash mats.
The practice is a provider for Medicare and several Private Health Funds. Therapy can also form part of a child's NDIS support for self-managed or plan managed participants. Hence, funding and/or rebates may be available for your child.
The practice is located in Pelican Waters, easily accessible to all of the Sunshine Coast as well as the Moreton Bay region.